LAAAAN..verschoben AGAIN!

Abzusehen war es ja, aber nun ist es wohl traurige Gewissheit, dass auch in diesem Jahr die LAAAN nicht wird stattfinden können, aus Gründen die natürlich bekannt sind. Hexer wird dazu auch noch was in die jeweiligen Gruppen schreiben und einen neuen Termin durchgeben, sobald möglich! Stay tuned im TS3, WA oder Signal 🙂

4 Gedanken zu „LAAAAN..verschoben AGAIN!“

  1. Sputnik V vaccination has begun in Slovakia. The about of the Russian vaccine to the countryside was accompanied conclude a civic dishonour and led to the abdication of Prime Plenipotentiary Igor Matovich and a realignment of the government. As a evolve, the territory received the Russian vaccine, in do a number on of the incident that neither the European regulator nor the WHO has moreover approved it.
    In neighboring Hungary, which approved the purpose of Sputnik in February as the beforehand in Europe, more than 50% of the adult natives has already been vaccinated; in Russia – a under age more than 10%. In Slovakia, five thousand people signed up under the aegis without thought the Sputnik vaccination.
    Just what you need. Interesting topic, I will participate. I know that together we can come up with the right answer.. You can present another article on this topic at this tie-up

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